I absolutely adore Megan & Drew. I’ve known them since my own wedding day when Megan was my florist!! Fun fact: Megan and I share one of my most fond memories of my entire wedding day when she handed me my bouquet (and I sobbed because it was SO perfect and was more than I could have ever dreamed) and when she saw me for the first time just after I put on my gown, all dressed and ready to walk down the aisle… ❣ We both cried together and had a moment. Hahaha she’s the best.
Anyway, LOL! Ever since then, we’ve worked together but have always talked about wanting to double date! SO FINALLY on a rainy friday evening in October, Megan & Drew and Matthew & I had the best tacos and margaritas and laughed all night long at Honcho in downtown Clarkston. But, just before we dove into all the glorious salsa, I forced Megan & Drew outside in the freezing rain and had them model/cuddle/snuggle for me. So. Much. FUN! You’ll love them, and you’ll love their lil date night photos. Enjoy!


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